AUSTIN, Texas – April 27, 2021 – BigLever Software, the long-standing leader in Product Line Engineering (PLE), announced today that, under its guidance, a new industry standard for Feature-based Product Line Engineering has been published by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) subcommittee for software and systems engineering. This new standard, available as ISO/IEC 26580, “Methods and tools for the feature-based approach to software and systems product line engineering,” defines Feature-based PLE according to proven and repeatable best commercial practices, tools and methods.
Throughout its history, BigLever has been a pioneer for the modern Feature-based approach to PLE. Feature-based PLE is now being widely adopted into commercial practice by organizations that engineer and deliver complex system families with variations in features and functions in automotive, aeronautics, medical devices, defense, computer systems and more. Feature-based PLE is a means to dramatically eliminate low-value engineering effort across a system family, so engineers can focus their time and effort on high-value innovative work that advances product and business objectives, which often leads to significant competitive advantage.
“We are thrilled to finally have Feature-based PLE in an internationally recognized standard from ISO and IEC,” said Dr. Charles Krueger, BigLever CEO. “This reinforces the approach as a valuable, critical and industry-proven solution. ISO/IEC 26580 provides clear industry-validated guidance that will lower the risk of adoption and enable more engineering organizations to confidently make Feature-based PLE a critical part of their success.”
Krueger was the lead editor and architect for this new standard. He is a key member of the INCOSE liaison group to ISO and the INCOSE Product Line Engineering International Working Group, which sponsored his participation in the standard development.
ISO has designated that this new standard contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals of ISO and the United Nations.